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Public and Civic Leisure in Québec

Dynamic, Democratic, Passion-driven, and Fragile

Public and Civic Leisure in Québec Feuilleter cet ouvrage


Through more than 50 case studies that provide a compelling portrait of leisure in Québec, this work illustrates that public and civic leisure model that Quebecers use in their recreational pursuits. It presents the model’s mission, its values, certain principles, the resources used, the main challenges ahead, and the ways of meeting and working together that enable the model to thrive and develop.

Table des matières

2008, 234 pages, G1575, ISBN 978-2-7605-1575-8


Édifice Fleurie, 480, de La Chapelle, bureau F015, Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 0B6
Tél. : (418) 657-4399   Téléc. : (418) 657-2096

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