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How film policy developed in Quebec 1960-1983

Crosscurrents Feuilleter cet ouvrage


An industry is born.

Crosscurrents : How Film Policy Developed in Quebec 1960-1983 documents the fight by filmmakers in Quebec for a film policy that would support their ambition to create commercial feature films. In the process, it explores the history of Quebec cinema, charting how the government supports that are in place today came into existence through an intense lobbying effort on the part of filmmakers. Further, the author describes how cultural bureaucrats colluded with filmmakers to force the government’s hand, and outlines the effects of this legislative process on Quebec’s English-speaking filmmakers.

This volume arises from the author’s analysis of voluminous provincial, federal, association, and personal archival sources and also draws on interviews with key figures. The archival sources describe the development over 23 years of provincial structures and policies that try to accommodate the cultural and economic needs of a young, emerging film industry. The result is a book that casts new light on the early events in the cultural life of modern Quebec. 

Table des matières

2018, 320 pages, D4938, ISBN 978-2-7605-4938-8

Ce qu’on en dit...

Fall 2018 Books                                                                    Mount Holyoke College's Alumnae Association

Review of Crosscurrents                                                Michael Dorland, Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol. 44, no 1, 2019

Charting the Quebec Film Industry: A Review of Crosscurrents: How film policy developed in Quebec, 1960-1983                                                                                           David Hanley, Offscreen, Volume 23, Issue 7 / July 2019

Review of Constance Dilley, Crosscurrents: How film policy developed in Quebec 1960-1983                                 Philip Gillett, Offscreen, Volume 23, Issue 7 / July 2019

Édifice Fleurie, 480, de La Chapelle, bureau F015, Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 0B6
Tél. : (418) 657-4399   Téléc. : (418) 657-2096

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