Guide for Accompanying Change

Guide for Accompanying Change Feuilleter cet ouvrage


This guide complements the books Professional Competencies for Accompanying Change. A Frame of Reference and Professional Accompaniment Model for Change. For Innovative Leadership. Divided into two parts, it deals first with the change accompaniment model and then covers the professional competencies frame of reference. Each section contains excerpts and diagrams from the above works as well as suggested tasks to carry out in order to apply the material in the books. The glossary at the end of the guide further explains and contextualizes the terms and concepts in the model and frame of reference.

The guide is intended for anyone who wishes to use the competency frame of reference and the accompaniment model. You will find ideas to spur reflection and help you develop your own ways of accompanying others.

Table des matières

2009, 108 pages, G1611, ISBN 978-2-7605-1611-3


Édifice Fleurie, 480, de La Chapelle, bureau F015, Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 0B6
Tél. : (418) 657-4399   Téléc. : (418) 657-2096

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Réalisation : iXmédia



Avril Aitken

Kathleen Bélanger

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Reinelde Landry

Carrole Lebel

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Sylvie Turcotte


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